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Grace and Wellness 


   It took me some time to Surrender. I held on to the chaotic world with tight fists and white knuckles. I was desperate to control it, to alleviate discomfort, to reduce the overwhelm. Meanwhile, I was anxiously trying to find my, self…my, purpose.


   The perpetual seeking through, self help books, yoga, mushrooms, etc...  always brought me back to the start of the search, all over again. Looking for ways to empty myself out, just to be fulfilled with more...self. 

   …until, I returned home, to God. It was then that my search ended and purpose was found and truly began.


   Professionally speaking…I am a Licensed Cosmetologist and hold certifications in Buccal Massage training, Aromatherapy and Life Coaching, focusing on faith based Spirituality. I have 20+ years as a salon, wellness and service industry professional. I created and fine tuned a unique experience focused on offering guests pampering that promotes peace and beauty from the inside and out.


   Personally speaking… being able to serve brings me a joy like no other. I have been appointed to take care of clients in a way that gives them a chance to experience the closest thing to Heaven on earth. I know loss, pain, anxiety, stress, depression and feeling ugly. I also know how I would have wanted to be cared for during those times and that is exactly why I created this treatment. 


   What a blessing I consider it to be to see the smiles that emerge after each session because there was a chance to experience true peace and wellness in the body, mind and spirit. I can't think of anything more beautiful than that.


   Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you, my god given gifts that have made The Ultimate Relaxation Experience, what it is.



  During “Your Experience,” it is our mission to create an oasis of tranquility for you, allowing you to step away from the demanding, distracting, and chaotic world.


   Your Experience is dedicated to nurturing and pampering you unconditionally, fostering a sense of love, providing complete relaxation, and ensuring a meaningful sense of beauty and safety in you body, mind and spirit."


It’s peace. It’s comfort. It’s joy.

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